A Message from Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos

Dear Students and Families,

I hope this message finds you well. Please read the family letter from Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos for school communities. This letter reminds families that New York City Public Schools is dedicated to protecting the right of every student to attend public school, regardless of immigration status, national origin, or religion.

Some Key Reminders Are:

  • Students’ Right to Education: All children, regardless of immigration or asylum status, have the right to a public school education. We do not collect or track immigration or asylum status for students or their families.
  • Rights of Students in Temporary Housing: Students have a right to enroll in and stay in their school or transfer to a school near their temporary housing location. More information on McKinney Vento can be found in the Parent’s Guide to McKinney-Vento (available in all New York City Public Schools languages). 
  • Emergency Contact: It is important that schools have the most up-to-date contact information for students and families. Please ensure that the emergency contact information for each student has an updated current address and the contact information of a trusted adult who can and will be able to come to school in the event of an emergency.


Please read the letter and reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you.

-Principal Alicanoglu