NYCPS Supports for LGBTQ+ Students

Dear Families,

I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm our support for our students who identify as LGBTQ+. At New York City Public Schools, we are committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all students—one that is free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. As I recently shared with over 1,000 students and staff attending our seventh annual Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Summit, at New York City Public Schools, we see you, we support you, and we value you.

Our policies remain in effect, and in fact, we have strengthened them in recent years, including updating our guidelines on gender inclusion. You can review these guidelines, along with other LGBTQ+ supports, at and

I’m proud that at New York City Public Schools, we have robust curricula, resources, and programs to support students who identify as LGBTQ+ and to increase representation and inclusivity within our schools. These include our GSA student clubs and our Hidden Voices curricular series, which highlights LGBTQ+ individuals who have made an impact on our city, country, and world. Additionally, between our school-based mental health clinics, our partnerships with community-based organizations, and our school counselors and social workers, every student has access to mental health support. I encourage you to visit our New York City Public Schools website ( to learn more, and please reach out to [email protected] with questions. 

One of my commitments as Chancellor is to ensure the safety and wellness of our students and school communities—specifically, the physical and emotional safety of every child. We thank you for helping us maintain safe and inclusive environments in our schools.

In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos
Chancellor Source: New York City Public Schools